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TCM Food Energetics for your Dog

TCM Food Energetics for your Dog

Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM is rooted in the principles of balancing the body's energies for overall health and well-being. TCM believes that foods have energy too. Foods can be cooling, neutral, warming, or hot. This is called food energetics. “Let food be thy medicine” by using diet you can create a balanced or neutral energy that better supports your pets body.
Natural Ways to Prevent Canine Cancer

Natural Ways to Prevent Canine Cancer

   1 in 3 dogs are diagnosed with cancer, this number has been increasing for decades, a common cause could very well be due to the increase of unhealthy diets and the increase of toxins your pet is being exposed to every day. It’s scary to think about, but as a pet owner it is something that you should be aware of and something that you should always be trying to prevent, by strengthening your pets immune system naturally through their diet.