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TCM Food Energetics for your Dog

TCM Food Energetics for your Dog

Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM is rooted in the principles of balancing the body's energies for overall health and well-being. TCM believes that foods have energy too. Foods can be cooling, neutral, warming, or hot. This is called food energetics. “Let food be thy medicine” by using diet you can create a balanced or neutral energy that better supports your pets body.
Why you should Detox your Pet's Liver

Why you should Detox your Pet's Liver

Have you ever thought of doing a liver cleanse on your pet? We’re here to tell you why this is a great idea!
Our world is full of toxins, things like household cleaners, pesticides, vaccinations, poor diet and unfiltered water, just to name a few can have an effect on our pets sensitive bodies.
A liver cleanse is highly recommended for any dog or cat
Natural Pet Healthcare during Spring!

Natural Pet Healthcare during Spring!

It’s Spring! That unfortunately means allergies can be in full swing for our furry friends. Today we want to talk about the best supplements we carry at Poochie Moochie Edmonton to help them have the best itch free spring and summer!